Thursday 14 January 2010

Day 35


Synopsis of day: Return to Cairo.
Highlight of the day: Swimming alone in the Mediterranean. It was cooler than the Dead Sea but not more than the Red Sea, and it was so calm because of the breakwater near our beach. Lovely.
Lowlight of the day: Not having longer to spend in Alexandria, even though I am ready to go home. A nice paradox.
Toilet ratings: Yay for nice loos.
Favourite photo:

The beach at our hotel.

Cultural-shock moment: Egyptian hotels have a midday checkout. It is such a marvellous idea, though not one we've been able to take advantage of except for here and St Katherines.
New food consumed: An iced white chocolate. Served by another appallingly attentive waiter who wanted to know my name... age... and told me that his day had been made better because this beautiful woman (ha! Me!) had walked in. Also for dinner Kerri caved and ordered McDelivery to the hotel.
Random act of crazy: Oh, just the usual traffic stuff. But also, the Egyptians (even more than the Israelis and Jordanians, though they seem to get into the fervour of it too) seem to have Celine Dion addictions. We have heard it played in so many places, and not just the “touristic” ones! Our hotel in Cairo seems to have 'Falling Into You” on permanent rotation.
What Arthur did next: Smoked hasheesh. A lot. In the room next to us. (The odour wafted into our room and it was vile).
Something I want to remember: Even though I don't believe them (especially since some are very flattering) I've noticed the power of compliments on how you feel about yourself and the world in general has been a dramatic thing. I don't know that I'd ever noticed what beauty they could hold for people, since I'm too shy to ever really offer anything like that myself. I've heard the phrase 'when you smile the whole world smiles with you' and while it is such a trite idea, I've felt so sunny in temperament, particularly following such unexpected compliments.

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