Tuesday 12 January 2010

Day 24


Synopsis of day: Blissed out to the max.

Highlight of the day: Sitting out and looking over at the waters of the Red Sea while on facebook, and having John, the wonderful barman bringing over different drinks every half hour or so by anticipating what we might like.

Lowlight of the day: Knowing we only have one more full day here!

Toilet ratings: The one underneath the pool at Hurghada (it's like walking into an underground chamber) was all marble and pretty. Best loo to date.

Favourite quote/word: “I love this place!”

Favourite photo: View from our room.

Cultural-shock moment: Egyptian men are awesome!

New food consumed: Strawberry tarts a la NYE.

Favourite purchase: Laundry!

The thing I lost today: My desire to be anywhere else.

Random act of crazy: Bikinis on children, and the number of tanned people wh are happy to wear g-strings but really don't have the figure to show off.

Random act of crazy (AWESOME!): The staff here are exceptional. Everyone beams and chats in a friendly manner, and John was particularly friendly but we had another one at the Italian restaurant do a similar thing. Then we had Nessa the laundry man come and collect our bags of stuff, and Carlos our guide has also been very approachable. I really have noticed a difference in friendliness between the Egyptians and Israelis. Also they managed to fix my suitcase handle.

What Arthur did next: We didn't see him all day!

Something I want to remember: I definitely want to return to this place. It is seriously the bomb.

Our view from where we spent the afternoon on the net and journalling.

I really like it here. The end.

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